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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

{good- bye 2008}

New Year's Eve and I'm sitting here with my Starbucks white chocolate Americano catching up on some of my favorite blogs. I probably should be folding the mountain of laundry that is staring me down (again!) but who wants to fold laundry on New Year's Eve?

2008 has been such an amazing year... and definitely one that has gone by way too quickly. We have had the joy of watching Maddy grow from a sweet and cuddly newborn into an even sweeter and happy little one year old. My little man learned to ride his bike like a pro, is learning his letters and sounds and is wanting to read so badly, and continues to amaze me when it comes to his imagination and his artistic, creative abilities. In 2008 our family said good-bye to our old boy Louie, the yellow lab we had for 13 years. He is waiting for us with Payton and others at the Rainbow Bridge. Have you seen the movie Marley and Me yet? Well, Louie could give Marley a run for his money in the wild and crazy department. He's already been gone 5 months... but we still miss his joyful spirit and goofiness everyday.

And 2008 was the year I got to know so many of YOU and had a chance to do something that I love and have become so passionate I have been updating my website this week (check it out!) and it's funny how photographs take you back to that place in time. Looking through them put me right back there with your sweet, precious newborns and your joyful and giggling toddlers. I hope they do the same for you. Thanks again for an incredible 2008 and best wishes for 2009!

And of course... there has to be pictures too! I wanted to include pictures of my kids as I see them right now at the end of 2008. It's not always about the *perfect* picture - for me it's about capturing the moment... here are two ...

This is Will's idea of posing. He likes to point his fingers. :) You wouldn't believe how many pictures I have with his fingers pointing just like this. He is a silly one, a completely adorable goof-ball!

And Maddy...the sleepy one. She has truly been such a dream baby from the moment we brought her home. Here she is cuddling with her bunny that she can't sleep without. This picture is far from *perfect* but it will help me remember those quiet moments when I sneak into her room to watch her sleep...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Just wanting to wish all of my clients and friends a Merry Christmas! Thanks so much for a wonderful year. During this little holiday break, I will be updating my website with many of the images from our sessions this year. So be sure to check it out soon! Looking forward to 2009 (especially those newborns that are already scheduled!)

I hope you enjoy your holiday with the ones you love most...

- Melissa

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Baby, It's Cold Outside!

But don't you just love it? Can you believe how much snow we got today? Nothing better than a snow day and in December too! Do you think we just might luck out and have a white Christmas this year?

Here are a few of my own from the past few days. Stay warm and enjoy this wintry blast!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

{first steps}

Well, it happened today. My baby girl took her first steps. Only 2 little ones and then she quickly sat down because crawling is much faster. But it means she is growing up way way too fast.

She celebrated her first birthday this week. It's hard for me to believe that her babyhood is almost over. But I must say, I am the luckiest mommy in the world to be the mother of two wonderful children. Will with his never-ending spirit and Maddy with the gentle soul. They compliment each other so well.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

little lady A

oh newborns..... warm, squishy little bundles of sweetness. Miss A was my final newborn of 2008 and what a doll baby she was. I've known Mom and Dad since we were kids and I'm so honored that I got to photograph their first little one. I had such a great time today, Audrey and Dan. She is absolutely gorgeous and I am so so happy for you! Here are a few and I will have the rest very soon.